

your fortune is ready to mint

99 Days to Mint

Fantom Psychic deck image

please make sure you are connected to the correct network (Fantom Opera) once a purchase has been made it cannot be undone


Each fortune is specific and intended for its minter. These NFT fortunes are your psychic contract of truth. Hold it, to bring it to fruition. Burn it, if you do not vibe with it. Trade it, if you feel it needs to be passed on.

It is for you to decide the fortune's relation to your path. Do with it what you suit fit. But know it has come to you for its purpose.

The intention behind these psychic fortunes is to bring you into an expansive space of familiarity. Opening you up to the potential energy within yourself and around you. Bringing about new possibilities and doors to look through as you continue on your path of interdimensional travel


Randomly generated psychic fortune NFT cards. These are intended to mint as you feel. Each fortune card is coming to you from an intentionally driven deck. New decks will be created and released. Providing all new sets of fortunes, attributes and cards. Each fortune deck will have its own specific set of fortunes. Attributes and cards will vary within decks and show their face throughout time.

Fantom Fortunes Deck

Randomly generated NFT fortune cards. Available to mint now!

Personal Psychic Cards

Auctioned and price specific NFT fortune cards. Providing holders with personalized fortunes via airdrop. In Singular and Scheduled frequency based on card specifics.

99 Days to Mint

After 99 days the minting will stop and the rest of the unminted cards will disappear forever. If a giveaway tier is not reached before time is up the giveaway will not happen. Max 9 cards per wallet.

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